Thursday, January 3, 2008


I was in the mood to take some awesome pictures at a nearby truck stop, like my sistaC does in LA, but ran out of time today. DT's got some pictures skills to show, coming soon to a theater near you


Carol K said...

Bro..I can't wait to see your shots, man..I know they're gonna be awesome!! Give me a shout when you post 'em, please:)

Love ya!

Sista C:)

Anonymous said...

Well, your the professional here so, easy on me ok? ;)

Carol K said... can't be talking to me:) Just look in the rear view..hehe!

Anonymous said...

SistaC, no rearview, I had to take these, while tackling the traffic. Wait tell you see what I went through. I couldnt believe the traffic in Tampa!

I apologize for no trucks, very little on the freeway today!

But this is a story, about a mans journey, facing the unknown, head on with the freeway.

Small battle of VICTORY!