Thursday, December 20, 2007

No Respect.

This writing doesnt have a picture. I hear so much, truckers dont get respect. Now I can see why. I watched this video on youtube, and this trucker was video taping his arrival into a Dallas Truck Stop. Every word out of this guys mouth was negative. He had a 3 word vocabulary. I guess not every trucker is like my OLD MAN.... POP, hats off to you! Its nice to have a conversation with you, without everyother word being something I cant type.

I guess I am spoiled, having a father that acts and shows what a true trucker is all about. Now I understanding why people dont give truckers respect after watching some of these youtube truckers video's. I think the bottomline is , they would get the RESPECT if they could SHOW it and ACT it. Words dont lie, the respect is not there, because the majority refuses to act sane!
Just watch some of these videos. Its almost embarassing to the Industry!

I agree, Truckers are the backbone to this country, but its the attitudes that puts the black label on the "trucker". Clean up the language, adjust the attitudes, think positive- 3 steps to getting respect. I know its a hard job, my father runs 140,000 miles a year, always positive.

Maybe Im just blessed to have a great father. Thanks POP, keep truckin man!!


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

exactly my point- thank you

Carol K said...

Fantastic post, DT!! I agree with you 100%! keep up the great work:)

Love ya, Bro...

Sista C:)